The road to the front gate is long and dusty, but good enough to travel at the rated speed (45 MPH) most of its length. This view is from route 375 looking down Groom Road. The puffs of smoke are the dust trails from vehicles going down the road. I parked near the entrance of the road for about an hour just to see if anyone official looking used the road. All I saw were passenger cars that did the loop. Someone should come up with a hand signal for the tourists to use to wave at other vehicles making the pilgrimage. Unless anyone has a better idea, I suggest giving the old Vulcan "Live Long and Prosper" salute.
After collecting a quarter inch of dust on your rear bumper, you will eventually arrive at the front gate of Area 51. The warning signs will be the first thing you see. I suggest having a telephoto lens on your camera if you want to take any photographs. Since photographs of these signs are all over the internet, I suspect the prohibition of photography rule is not strictly enforced.
Minggu, 04 Mei 2008
Area 51 Front Gate
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