When people leak information about a Top Secret project to the public -- eye brows of government "personnel" are sure to rise. If you want to make government "personnel" stand up and stare – then write something about Area 51 and Aliens. It seems that Top Secret - Aliens - Stealth - SR 71, S4 all have a common thread with Area 51.
AREA 51, part of the Nellis Air Force Range and Nuclear Test Site, is approximately 80-125 miles northwest of Las Vegas. At Area 51 the U.S. government has been test-flying highly secret BLACK PROJECT aircraft for many years, several people think this includes UFOs. They call one part of this military site Groom Dry Lake area. It has been proven the Stealth and SR 71 projects were built and tested at this famous Area 51. People who work in and around this military installation refer to this highly secret area as "Dreamland" or "Skunkworks" or sometimes just "Groom Lake."
Minggu, 04 Mei 2008
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